Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thankful for the changes...

Well it has been a while since I have posted an update on here.

I am getting settled back into being back home in the great state of Utah.. I can truly say God Bless America.. there is no other country like it, and I am thankful to be here.

I have a temporary job right now at Allstate Insurance, which could possibly become something more permanent.. only time will tell, but I should be finding out at the beginning of next month.

It is crazy to me that it is already November.. I do have to say that I love this time of the year, it's when people stop thinking about the world and all that can go wrong in it, and really start thinking of all of the things that they are grateful for.

I can honestly say in the short time that I have been back home already, I have continued to learn so much about myself and others.

I have learned that starting over is a challenge, but truly a blessing for me at this time in my life, because I get to make choices now that I wouldn't have made in the past. I guess I am growing up. I have learned that I am learning to become more comfortable with just being myself, and being more outgoing, which for me is a challenge, but we are all works in progress right?

It is truly amazing and such a blessing to me that I continue to learn new things sometimes on a daily basis. I have realized how much I have changed, and my priorities in life and everything really have to.

I know that I had a plan, or looking back more of a rough draft of what I wanted out of life, or what I thought was best for me at that time.

I have come to realize more now than ever that this life is not ours, but Heavenly Father's and we need to listen and live our lives with what he knows is going to be best for us.

I look back on just recent events in my life and I was so close to the tree, figuratively that I was unable to see the whole forest (aka the Big picture) I have had a few things that have happened recently that have assured me that this is truly where I am supposed to be at this time in my life. I love that I am blessed to see and understand all of this.. I know that there is still so much more to come, and I am truly excited for what the future holds for me ahead.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The adventure has come to an end.. or has it?

Well it's official.. I am back home in Utah. I am currently living with my sister and her family, which I am so grateful for each and every day!

So you may wonder why is she home now? and not in Australia anymore?

Well I can honestly say that I gave it my all while I was there.. I had some very trying times that I felt like I overcame and was ready for some more adventure. I found the job of my dreams doing hair (which I love!!!) and working with some of the best and amazing ladies there in Perth.

I did look at some other places to live and spread my wings and fly, but some unforeseen circumstances (also known as life throwing you a curve ball) happened, and after much thought and prayer.. it was decided that it would be best for me to return home.

I have no regrets for selling most everything I own, quitting my job of 8 years, and selling my car to go over there for what was the plan of a year to end in less than 3 months.. I learned a lot about myself, and especially a lot about others. I had some amazing experiences over there that have shown me that I am a lot stronger than I was giving myself credit for, and that I could be more open to others and allowing them in, even if I did get hurt. I now truly know more than ever that I am ready to move on with my life.

I am thankful for Jesseca for helping me while she was here in Utah for letting go of my past, and facing those fears and feelings and emotions that had been stored away for years.

I am thankful for her family for the time that they did allow for me to stay in their home, and for everything else.

I am thankful for Jacqui my manager and blessing when I needed her for being there for me before I returned home, and for our talks and the different perspective on everything.. it really helped me open my eyes to a lot of stuff that I never looked at it that way before.

I am especially thankful for my family and friends that I have here in Utah for your welcoming arms, love and support.

I am really thankful for my sister and her family for allowing me to stay in their home until I am able to get back up, dust myself off, and stand again. Also for her creating a safe and loving environment that I need the most right now, and for getting me out and doing stuff and back to taking care of myself. I am truly grateful for EVERYTHING!

It's funny when I left to go there I had this plan to get there, get a job, and a car, and everything would just fall into place.. funny how things turned out different than I could have ever imagined.

Now that I am home I have the same rough draft of a plan to find a job, another place to live, and a car..I wish I could say I know how it was going to happen, I can tell you that I do have an amazing feeling for the things that are to come in my life.. and it's truly incredible to know that I am finally ready for them now.

So here's to the coming adventures....

Friday, September 16, 2011

Hairhouse Wharehouse

So I got a full time job working at Hairhouse Warehouse as a hair stylist and I am LOVING it!!!

They sell retail in the front of the store and then the salon is in the back of the store
. It is an amazing job.. I am finally doing what I love and it doesn't even feel like work.. well except that my feet hurt from standing on them all day.. but I am sure that it will soon pass.

I love all of the ladies that I work with there, they are all so awesome and they are teaching me a lot. They are not big fans of cutting men's or children's I get all of those.. but I was trained well and I love doing it.

This week I will be moving out of the Frazier's home. I have been greatly blessed to be able to stay here for the time, but I am ready to move on and go and find some roommates and explore and stand on my own two feet. Don't get me wrong the idea of doing all of this a half a world away from home and family is hard and a little scary, but I know that me being here is the right thing so if there is a will there is a way.

Things back home in Utah are going a lot better, which was a huge concern for quite some time but they are getting better, which I know is a another huge BLESSING and an answer to my prayers.

Some other things have happened here that I am sad about, but in time I know that all hurt can be healed. I do have to say that I am proud of myself in a modest way for learning and now knowing that I am able to open myself up, and take chances. Grandma Kinder would be proud to know that I went out on the branch for the apple again, even though it didn't work.. I still tried!

Other than that things have been really good. I have just been busy with work and getting myself organized for more adventures that are to come..

Oh the crazy things that are said...

Alright I know that it has been awhile since I have blogged on here.

I just have some funny / different things that have been said while I am here that I thought that I would share.

"Bob's your uncle" = is something they say when you state the obvious.

One night Jake the family dog had an ear infection and they wanted to get a better look in there so Jess asked "Where's the torch?" I thought what? why do we need a torch to look at the dog.. not knowing that they refer to the flashlight as a torch.. ha ha.

The other day we were driving in the car Jess, Me and Jenny (Jess' Mum) with their little cousins Tanika and Naomi, and Jenny asked Tanika if she ever played the game Pick up sticks? and she said no, but does it have something to do with gardening (as Jenny loves to garden, and Tanika is not a big fan) ha ha.. maybe you just had to be there for that one.

hmm.. I can't remember some of the other ones right now..

Monday, August 29, 2011

Albany.. oh sweet Albany

So last week me and Jess took a trip to Albany which is way down south, pretty much as south as you can go to get close to the one and only Antarctica.. burr..

It was amazing.. I will need to clean off both of my cameras for all of those photos and get them posted on here.. we went and saw the Gap and the Natural Bridge.

Which is where you go and stand on this metal rail that holds you in place and look straight down where it just drops into the ocean.. you really get a perspective of how small you really are. The natural bridge is gorgeous it is naturally built where rocks are just forming this bridge and the ocean crashes underneath it all day long.. I was in a trance just watching it.

Then we went to the Tree Top Walk.. I never knew that I kind of have a fear of heights and seeing through what I am walking on until I am here.. ha ha.. oh well.. they built this huge rail walk way that you go up on and you are up there among none other the tree tops, and these are some massive trees.. it was a little scary when the wind would blow and rock the walking path, but it was amazing.

Also we went to an Alpaca Farm, which I am sure that it started out just being that at first, but they have so many other animals there. I got to go in the place with the koalas and pet them, didn't get to hold them they are not used to people, and well there claws are a little scary. I did get to hold a baby kangaroo that was a rescue as her mother was killed (if I remember right) she just hops all around the farm.. they are soo light it was awesome. They named here Ruby, I wanted to take here with me. Then they had a camel there that I feed and well it is a different experience when his teeth are pressing against the palm of your hand, but his lips are enclosing the rest of your hand.. I screamed the first time I feed him.. ha ha.. the pictures Jess took with my facial expressions are way funny.. (will post them later) Also I was able to bottle feed a week old goat that the mom didn't want, well she had twins which is quite common for goats and she is older so they figured to give one of the babies a chance with the mom, and they would take care of the other. Then I was able to hold a 1 day old, 2 day old, and a 4 day old goats.. they are soo precious. Once again the photos will tell more of the story.

All in all is was an amazing trip.

Friday, August 19, 2011

sanding.. painting.. and so much more.. oh my!

Well let's see what is new and going on here.. This week I didn't work at all :( which sucks because I need the money.

Andy the pirate look alike guy that I was working for was doing business a little dodgy to say the least, and he just started to get really creepy with me, so I decided that for my best interest that it was good to walk away from there.

I did go to Kathy's salon on Friday from 9:30 until Noon to be tried out for a position doing hair there, she said that she would get back to my by next week. I know that I should be stressed, but I don't feel that way at all. I just feel calm about it and trust that things are going to work out somehow and someway.

Jess and I painted her parents house this week well the massive hallway, and then I did some sanding with the power tool. I love power tools.. I should just start my own business here with a sander and paint.. ha ha.. then we painted around the door frames, and we are going to install the floor boards next week, and finish the door frames then too. Then I think we will be moving onto the kitchen area and maybe the living room, who knows? I love to paint though.

I have been doing haircuts and colors on the family members here, and some friends, then Jarrom said that his co-workers all of their girlfriends want their hair done, so hopefully I can get that lined up and make some money that way.

This weekend we are having a party for Nana as she is turning the young age of 82. So we have been cleaning the house and getting stuff ready for the party for tomorrow.

We saw on the news the other day these ladies that enter these competitions online and then they win prizes like every week... oh yeah.. I am sure that you can guess what me and Jess were doing last night.. ha ha.. I didn't enter the vacation or money ones because you have to be a resident here in Australia, so I entered the ones for hair, make-up, and skin products.. I am hoping to win something... keep your fingers crossed for me. I am pretty sure the ladies on the news story enter these things for hours on end every night.. I do not have the patience for that.. so we will see how a few hours of wasted time went.

I just had an idea that I should advertise some more that I do some photography here, and maybe something will come of that. will keep you posted.

Well that is all I can think of for now.. toodles!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Blessings are coming in..

Well I have learned this week that with patience that all good things will come about.

So I have blessed with a hair stylist position at a salon called "Hair's Looking At You" so cheesy..I know. I just work there with the owner of the salon who's name is Andy. He reminds me of Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean.. ha ha.. but really he does.

He just tells all of his clients that I am "Miss Utah" I went and worked for him last Saturday for 6 and a 1/2 hours, and I make $20.00 per hour which is not bad.

Then I also received a call from another lady that Jess and her mum used to get their hair done by, and she also wants me to work at her salon too... so now I have options. So I am going to call her this week, and meet with her, show her what I can do, and then go from there.

Let's see what else... oh yeah..Jess and I went to Aqwa Underworld the other day.. the coolest thing ever you walk in this tunnel and you get to see lots of fish, sharks sting rays, and turtles floating in there.

Also for only $160.00 you can go scuba swimming with the sharks in that tank.. so guess what I am doing.. oh yeah.. so excited!!!!

Jess' whole family has said that they will come and watch me, and take video of it, ha ha.. notice none of them volunteered to go in with me.. lol.. Don't get me wrong I am terrified of sharks, but I figure why not just jump in with both feet and conquer my fear... granted I may be the only diver in the tank with a yellow cloud surrounding me..ha ha.

I will post some of the pictures from that day later.. they are Epic!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Lessons learned the hard way

Well to catch you up to date..

I have been really struggling while here in Australia... for the following various reasons;
1. I am so far away from home
2. Everything is really expensive here
3. I am back on the hunt for another job
4. I do not have my own vehicle

So because I am so far away from home, I get homesick and end up missing all of my family and friends, also my life as I grew comfortable with it, just a little to much.

The blessing of this is that I get to grow and stretch, and I am definitely out of my comfort zone that is for sure. Although I do still miss all of my family and friends.

So onto #2 everything is really pricey here, which is a challenge, since right now I have no job and extra money coming in at the moment.

The blessing of this is that I get to learn to manage my money even more carefully than before, and truly have compassion and empathy for those that are in the same struggle or worse.

Next is #3 so I did find a job at Just Cuts out in Whitford, which is far away from where I live, so with having no vehicle, and having to rely on other people for transportation, I told them today that I was unable to work there.

The blessing with this one is that maybe I will find something more better for me... This one is still in the works.

Now with #4 with not having my own vehicle, oh this is a hard one for me because having your own car means having freedom to just go where you want, whenever you want.

The blessing is that when the time comes for me to get another vehicle I will appreciate it that much more, and maybe explore more instead of just watching t.v. or something like that.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Not a whole lot to write home about at the moment...

Well like the title of this blog says there really hasn't been that much going on in the past week for me to really write home about.

I have been sick with the cold and the flu pretty much all last week :( (sad choice, sad choice)

Let's see I did go to the shops and had to purchase new clippers for when I work in the salon, since mine didn't fair so well with the flight and everything on the way over. Which is okay since it will be easier to not have to mess with the plug converters and all that stuff.

Also I haven't had any success in finding my really good and expensive pair of shears and thinning shears (I am hoping that they are still at my sister's house with my other stuff in storage) if not then that means that they were taken during all the security scans in the airport.

So Julie if you are reading this I really need to talk to you on Skype and have you check for me.

Let's see last week I cut and colored Jess' hair for her, and then I also gave her mum and dad a hair cut as well. Today I trimmed up my own side swept bangs, well attempt to since they were grown out, now I just need to train them to work again.

We did go to dinner for Pipi's birthday on Friday night in the city at Hog's Breath Cafe. It was me, Jess, Pipi, Joe, and then her cousin Brandon. The prices were a bit much. I ordered the tortellini for dinner and it cost $20. wowza!! The steak dinners there start at $32.00. Pricey but good food. I guess you could compare it to like a Chili's or Applebee's. You just don't get as much food for your money here as you do in the States.

Oh I have become addicted to their Picnic candy bars here. They are soo good. I will have send some home for the family to try out, and some friends too.

So Sunday I stayed home from church, and I was sick as could be.. I pretty much slept the entire day. Jarrom (Jess' brother) was home too, and he decided to make me some breakfast, so he made me 2 eggs, 4 pieces of bacon and then 2 crumpets with peanut butter on them, and then a side of orange juice and some medicine.

I usually just eat 2 crumpets in the morning with peanut butter and the orange juice.

It was soo cute and soo sweet, he said that he made me everything, because he wasn't sure of what I would eat.. such a cute thing that I think would only happen in the movies.. Jarrom is a big sweetheart. I really appreciate him, and his friendship with me.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Salon Job Already??? could it really be??

So 2 days ago I called on a job posting for a job at a salon working casual which means only working 20 to 25 hours a week making between $20 to $25 an hour.

Over here they no longer regulate the cosmetology field, which is just insane, so basically what that means is that anyone can do hair, but good luck getting a job if you do not know what you are doing. They still do have younger girls doing apprenticeships which take 3 years to complete, and you really don't make that much money until you get more experience.

Good news for me that I am licensed in Utah with experience in doing hair so that makes me a Senior Hair Dresser over here.

So back to the ad I called the salon that posted the ad online for a casual worker, it said that I would be working Tuesdays from 3 til 5, then on Thursday night from 3 til 9 pm (the only night they stay open late over here) and then EVERY Saturday from 9 until 5 which is pretty standard in the hair business because Saturdays are the busiest days.

So she calls me back and says lets have you come in on Saturday from 11 until 2 to see how it goes (like a interview, weird that I didn't need to bring my own model)

So today I show up at 11 am and she really doesn't even greet me, and then she tells me that I am going to be there at the salon today until 4 pm (random) but I was still okay with it, she said that she had booked me a full appointment for today, but not until 2 pm... so you ask what did I do from 11 am until my appointment was supposed to come???

Well first her assistant (which was a family friend that just helps out around the salon, she doesn't do hair or anything) showed me around the salon briefly, very briefly.. the owner or that is what she said that she was didn't really talk to me. so after putting my few combs that I did bring with me and shears in my roller tray there they sat, as I stood around for the most part, tore up some foils not to mention that they used Kuene color and products there that I have never heard of, which no one went over with me.

I learned how to make tea for the customers, and coffee, and espresso with biscuits and sugar, and also did the dishes.. so I was a bit confused as to what job I was being interviewed for the service girl or a actual hair dresser.. needless to say the closest I got to any hair was from sweeping it after they would finish hair cuts and colors.

So then I went and talked to the owner and asked her what all equipment that I would need to get, and she said that I was not even guaranteed the job, but earlier in the day she was telling me my schedule and putting my name on the books.. weird.. I know.. it didn't make any sense to me either. So being that I was getting nowhere close to doing hair, and just became a free, yes I said FREE service girl, because she wasn't going to pay me for the 5 hours today since it was an interview, I decided to leave after 3 hours, and I just told her that this was not going to work for me, and she said that it was fine.

So I am already onto looking for another salon job here.. I think that one was a bit shady to began with as far as paying people, and she would tell you one thing and then tell you something completely different. Also I just didn't have a very good feeling about it right when I got there. So I am chalking this one up as another lesson learned, and at least I know that I can work in a cafe serving tea, and coffee, and espressos.. lol. :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

one week down already, really!?!

Wow!! I have been here a week already.. it just seems like yesterday that I had arrived, crazy how fast time is flying by.

Well to sum up this week we went to the shops and got some workout clothes for me, and some cheap running shoes for $12 just to get me started. So Jess and I have decided to start walking / jogging on Monday and Tuesday night, and then again tonight. We have had some issues with the runkeeper app on the iphone, but none the less we have been getting out and getting our exercise in, and it feels amazing.

I am also reading the book "Born to Run" and it really is such an uplifting and motivating book to just get out there and start moving, and feeling better. I am loving the endorphin high that exercising gives to you. I can see how people get addicted to running and can't stop, it really does just help you sort out your thoughts and emotions while you are working out.

It is still cold here, it has stopped raining here finally, but the temperatures have dropped way down.. so still cold.

Well I am going to start looking for a job online and also a cheap little car.. wish me luck!! talk to you later!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July!!!

We just celebrated the 4th of July here down under with the Frazier family and all of their friends. We ate some sloppy joe's along with heaps of other yummy foods. I am stuffed! :)

So tomorrow I am going to start my 100 days and begin running, or at least a start to get started running. Which I am very excited for, so here goes.

This weekend has been pretty full on with arriving on Thursday night, and then hanging out on Friday and going to run some errands and see and surprise Pipi that we are here now, we also had an amazing night of us all sitting around and talking to Jess' brother Chad that is going through some stuff right now. Then on Saturday we went to the store and got some drinks and my jell-o recipe ingredients to make for today, and then we went out to dinner at Han's cafe (real Asian food) yuck!! I ordered the chicken with some rice, and it came out sliced up with the bones and muscle still in it.. yeah.. let's just say that last night for dinner I pretty much just ate some rice, then we went and saw the movie Transformers the 3rd one, which was good.

Then today I stayed home from church and got some more sleep, I have had some tummy issued since arriving here and also on the way here.. which hasn't been the best, but hopefully tomorrow I will be feeling heaps better. Today we had everyone over here for the 4th of July dinner and just to visit which was good.

Well that should be good on updating this blog for the time being. I will have to keep you posted on more that is to come as it comes.. ta ta for now.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

I have arrived here down under.. and it is winter, and cold. burrrr!!!!

I was not able to take pictures of the airport while traveling as we had soo many bags with soo much weight that there was no way that I could ever uncover my camera.

After a total of flying 22 hours we have arrived safe and sound.

I was welcomed with open arms by the Frazier family in their home and their family. Which was a relief, because I just started to cry.

It was hard flying over Utah and saying goodbye to my home land and all of my family and friends. :( I know that it is going to take me some time to adjust and get into the groove here.

I am trying to adjust to the time schedule here as it is 11:30 am. I have already unpacked everything and just thought that I would update the blog.

Well I am off to the shower and to get ready for my day.. although I am hammered I am also going to eat some crumpets with peanut butter and drink some brekky juice.. yum!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Leaving on a jet plane

Well I have decided to go to Australia for a year for a really long vacation.

Alright well here is the real story.

I have had the same job for the past 8 years, and just kind of put myself in the every day rut.. So I figured why not move to Australia for a year. I am going to live there with my friend Jesseca and her family. How I met Jesseca is a long story for another post for another day, but in a nutshell she is one of my best friends and has helped me let go of the past and move on to the future.

I am planning on getting a job maybe doing hair or some photography... not sure yet, and just making money to support my holiday. The real truth is that I want to hang out at the beach everyday and have just enough money to live the good life. ha ha.. but really.

I have created this blog as my journal to share with family and friends of my adventures in Australia. Isn't it fun that you get to read it.. he he..

So I am leaving today within a few hours on a big jet plane. I am feeling nervous, scared, excited, sad, emotional... all of the above. I am excited to go and start a new adventure, but I am going to miss my family and friends so much!!!

I will try to update the blog several times a week with photos so you can feel as if you were in Australia with me, and sharing my adventure if you want.